Monday, November 7, 2011

Following My Journey

In 10 1/2 weeks or so, I will be moving to Switzerland! I can't believe it's that soon! To those of you who haven't heard the scoop, allow me to explain. Back in May of this year, I went to Switzerland for vacation to visit with my Dad's side of the family. I stayed with my cousin Claudia & Markus for a little less than 3 weeks. I had been to Switzerland several times before but my heart was truly drawn to the country this time. It's funny because I have always been fascinated with my Swiss culture but would never have imagined having the opportunity to live there. Well, I also never imagined I would actually be okay with living that far from my parents considering I never would have thought to move out of Maryland! Anyways, so I found myself thinking "Wow, I could actually live here". It was like this complete separation happened and I remember feeling I would be okay. But of course I thought it was a pipe dream. How could I ever live there when I haven't been able t even live on my own in America! I mentioned my feelings to Claudia and she immediately went into "Operation: Get Christine to Switzerland". We prayed about it together and I asked God to open the door if He wanted me there or slam shut in my face if it's a no. Well, God flung the door WIDE open.

When I came back home I received a ca
ll from Claudia that I had an apartment, a job and all my expenses would be covered with this job. I began to get excited but thought surely this was just a coincidence. So I prayed about it and prayed about it and prayed some more until I was certain it was God opening the door, leading me there. Since then I have had confirmation after confirmation that it really is Him calling me there. He has restored dreams I had let die a long time ago. I will be working with children again which I have missed so much. Sometimes it takes time away from something for you to realize how important it is to you, ya know? It's been over 6 years since I worked with children and I am ECSTATIC to get back into it! Claudia has children come to her home and we will be taking care of them all day. One is even a special needs child and that was BIG confirmation for me. To be able to work with a child that most people would disregard or get annoyed by is truly a blessing. When you see that child grown up, having friends and handling life better, to know God allowed you to be a part of that child's life is so special! I have to admit I am still nervous but because I have already experienced working with 2 special needs children before, that makes it easier.

So on January 25th, 2012, I will be moving to Switzerland and trying it out for a year. I have no idea how long Go
d will want me to stay after that year or what else He has in store for me, but I am SO excited to find out! One thing I know for certain, my walk with Him will get stronger. He has provided me with such a strong group of friends here in Maryland and I know in time he will provide me with friends over in Switzerland. But I will be forced to rely on Him in a way I have not experienced yet. This excites me and terrifies me at the same time. I am hoping to shine his light as bright as I can and get up every time the enemy tries to knock me over. Hence, the title of this blog. Please be in prayer for me when you remember. I will be posting new blogs every Monday once I am over there so everyone can follow my journey with me and also pray alongside with me for any prayer requests I post. Thanks so much for your prayers and support!


Jaclyn said...

I'm gonna miss you so much! I'll be praying for you, though :)

Texaseyes said...

Praying for you Christine!You will be a true shining light for Him!