Friday, December 30, 2011

New Beginnings

I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by! In 3 1/2 weeks I will be headed to Switzerland. As my last day of work approaches, I have mixed feelings. One minute I am excited to start something new, and the next I am terrified. What am I thinking? How can I be going to another country without my friends, church and family nearby? What if I don't have enough money to buy groceries and pay all the bills? What in the world will I do without all the comforts I have grown so accustomed to? Things such as: laundry dryer (most of them hang their clothes), different kinds of foods (sliced squishy bread...), air conditioning, etc. These thoughts attack me constantly. So I get still before God and listen. This amazing peace comes over me and covers every area of fear. He reminds me that He is more than enough for me. He will provide for me in EVERY single way I can imagine.

I realize that growing up in America, although I view it as a true blessing, has spoiled me in what I think I NEED to survive. Will it be a pain in the butt to hang my clothes up all the time? Yes. Will it kill me? Nope. Actually, they may even last longer! Am I excited to have to walk up and down 90 steps everyday to get to my apartment? Heck no! My lazy butt wants an elevator! But maybe I will lose some weight and get healthy for a change! Every little thing I think will be an inconvenience, God shows me there is actually a positive side too! He reminds me that He would not have opened the door for me to go to Switzerland, if He did not have a plan for me to be there. "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~John 16:33 NIV. What an amazing promise!

I am so incredibly grateful that I finally have a deeper relationship with God that allows me to hear his voice. What an AMAZING God I serve! There are times (such as right now) when my heart is so full of JOY that I feel like it could literally burst! Has your heart ever felt like that? So completely full? It's pretty amazing. It has come to my attention that people can actually tell when I am super joyful because I tend to speak in song. I laughed when someone shared that with me because I really do randomly sing about nothing in particular quite often without realizing it most of the time! I pray that everyone could experience this kind of joy at least once in their lifetime! Jesus is the only One who can bring happiness like this :) How can one go through life without Him? What a dark and lonely place it must be to not have His peace! This is why it is SO important for us to shine his light as bright as we can!!

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" ~John 1:5 NIV

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