While I was up there, I had some moments where I could really tell God was trying to get my attention on some issues. I tell you what, its very quiet up there and hard to miss His voice! First of all, let me just say that I am completely aware everyone and anyone could read this. Anything that I put on this blog is intended to be on it. I will never discuss personal/private matters about my friends or family on here because I believe that is not right. However, I will be completely transparent when it comes to myself with whatever God is telling me to put on here. I mean of course I won't be posting everything about myself because that is not necessary. I really do think it's important for people to see it's okay to be honest with yourself about yourself in front of others. Actually, I think its vital. How can I live the life Jesus has asked me to live if I am living in fear of what everyone thinks of me? I have chosen to live this life unafraid of peoples opinions, good or bad and I have heard both good and bad opinions from people about myself. I lived my life far too long always worrying what people are thinking. NO MORE! I am who God has made me to be and if I am living the way He has asked me to live, then that is all there is to it. I really feel God has asked me to make things He has changed in me public knowledge. This doesn't glorify me at all. It glorifies Him. It actually is not that easy to point out all my flaws and mistakes, but when it brings Him glory, that's when it can help someone and this DOES make it easier to share. It becomes less about me and my situations and more about Him and what He is able to do through people when they let Him. He made this quite evident to me in the mountains.
Another thing God brought my attention to was the verse Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This really made me question where my treasure was. When I finally got the internet in my flat I was so excited! I thought, finally I can catch up on all my shows I am missing! I tried the website, Hulu, which I always use to watch any missed shows. Well it turns out you can only use that when you are in America and my smart computer knows I'm in Switzerland. I tried the actual shows website. Same problem. I then had a slight panic attack. Oh my GOODNESS! You mean to tell me I can't watch any of the shows (and there were quite a few let me just say) anymore?? For at least a YEAR? Freaking out is a good way to put what happened. I was so upset. I told my mom and asked her what she thought and we were trying to figure out what to do about it. So when this verse popped into my mind, where do you think my treasure was? Yup. So I think that me not being able to watch those shows, although I have to say I am still unhappy about it, is probably one of the best things that could have happened to me. I mean I could honestly say I was really addicted to TV. All I have now are the movies I brought with me. So I have no choice really but to find something other to do with my time in my flat. Honestly, what would I be doing if I came here and then decided to live the same way I was living in the States? What would that accomplish?
So really ask yourself where your treasure lies. I don't say this in a condemning way at all because that is not how Jesus would speak to us either. All I am asking, is for you to really think about something you think you couldn't live without (shopping, TV, facebook...whatever) and try living without it for a day or 2 and see if it's really that important. You will most likely find you don't need whatever it is that you are clinging to and can then ask God to give you a healthy balance. It's not reasonable to say you will never watch another show or ever use the computer. It is, however, reasonable to make sure whatever it is doesn't become an obstacle between you and God. It really is always about balance. I think anything can become like an idol to us if we let it. Shopping isn't bad if it's in moderation and neither are any of the other things I mentioned. I hope this is making sense ;) Anyways, that's where I am at today. Missing what is left behind but grateful for God placing new things in my life. I hope this has ministered to someone today :)
1 comment:
Yay So proud of you luv! I pray that God continues to bring things into perspective for you. Keep Shining!
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