Thursday, February 16, 2012

First blog in Switzerland from 1.31.12

Where do I even begin to start…my brain is like butter that has been left out for far too long. It's 6:15am right now and I have been up since 5am. Sleeping a full night has been difficult. I have started to feel disconnected from what seems like (well…it is actually) "my former life" in America. I have not been able to use the internet in 5 days or call anyone besides my parents. I have not spoken with them for more than 15 minutes at a time…which has been like 3 times. Oh…actually I was able to call Jaci for a hot second. That was nice :)

It feels like I have been in Switzerland already for a month. Since I have been here, each day has been filled with things that need to be done in order for me to stay such as: Unpack (still being done), shop for furniture for my flat (almost done), open a bank account (if I were not a Swiss citizen, this wouldn't even be possible with everything going on between America and the banks here), buy internet access (which I won't have for 3 more days), start german school (we will get to that later), meet the children (adorable) and parents I will be working with, etc. I could go on.

Many things have been a source of stress since I arrived here but let me assure you, I serve a God of unbelievable peace and grace (both of which are being poured over me) and I will be fine. He knew how hard this would be even though my mind could not grasp it. He knew I would really need companionship and so He provided me with Elizabeth. She is here with me for the first two weeks and unfortunately, has seen my cry on numerous occasions. I honestly am not sure how I would be coping if she would not have come with me. We are able to walk around the city of Basel together and if we get lost (which only by the grace of God we have NOT!) at least we are together! What an AMAZING God! As I sit here typing, my eyes start to fill just thinking about how much God has truly blessed me. My cousins (Claudia and her husband Markus) have been absolutely wonderful to me and are really happy to have me here. Their daughter, Jasmin, is so excited I am here and makes me feel really special.

I had probably the worst day ever yesterday (Monday) as I had to go to German school by myself for the 1st class (yes…I had to start after only being here for 4 days) and take the tram (sort of like our subway but its above ground and waaaay cooler) all by myself. I missed the tram FOUR times. By the way, thats every time I had to get on a new tram. Not once did I make it in time. Then, I get off the tram and have no idea where I am. I prayed for God to guide my feet and He most certainly did. I wanted to turn right but my feet took me left. Really strange…really God ;) Once I arrive (20 minutes late), I find out that there will be NO ENGLISH spoken in the class…just German. Anyone who knows me, knows I need LOTS of explanation. I sat through the class staring at the lady as she asked me questions I could not answer because I had NO IDEA what she was saying. I said America, she said USA (which sounds like "oo s ah") as they don't call it America because that includes South America. So what did I do when I arrived at Claudia's for dinner after class and after missing the tram a few more times? Burst into tears. Again. Did I mention a man approached me at one of the tram stations and freaked me out? Yep.

Let me just say, I have learned how to pray and trust God more than I ever have before. I can't imagine being here and going through all of this without his amazing power in my life. He has the ability to turn my tears into praise songs. He helps me focus on the positive things that have happened since I have gotten here instead of the negative. He focuses my sight on the future and not the present. May the joy He has given me be absolutely contagious to all who cross my path (which they really need here). I miss all of my friends very much but I think this time of separation from everyone in America has been vital to me accepting everything going on around me here. However, I cannot wait until I can communicate with everyone again!! I can't even post this blog right now! As soon as I can connect to the internet, email, Facebook and Skype…here I come! Lol ;)

By the way, my flat is coming along and is super cute. God really stretched the money I had set aside as I have been able to buy a lot with a little :) I will be posting pictures soon. You know how there are no closets in Europe for the most part? I ended up with a flat that has the biggest walk in ever! Ok…not the biggest…y'all know I can be dramatic…but it's an awesome size for sure :) Just the fact that I have one is amazing! My uncle actually made it himself :) Also, I am going to be thin in no time…these stairs are killer! My legs are slowly getting tighter and stronger. It's awesome…unless its 10pm and I feel like crawling into bed instead of up the 6 flights of stairs. Anyways, This is the longest blog ever but I hope it has made some sort of sense and helped you guys feel connected with me and what I am dealing with! Prayers are much appreciated. I am going back to sleep for a bit. Night!

1 comment:

TheMethodicalSportsBrain said...

Shining in Switzerland? I always thought it was you that made the sun shine.

Hope all is well, Christy. Thanks for posting the blog. I enjoyed reading it. (and will read it)